Monday, June 2, 2014

Super Powers?

?  Which superpower would you most like to have– invisibility, super strength, or the ability to fly? Describe what kinds of things you would do with your powers.

The super powers that I want are invisibility and the ability to fly. Because you can trick freinds. By holding pants in there face it would be funny.


For our very first game day Thursday, we played a mean game of sponge darts. Here is a picture to give you an idea of what it should look like, all organized and calm.

A couple sponges and a box of chalk are all you need to turn your driveway into a bull's-eye target game. | 33 Activities Under $10 That Will Keep Your Kids Busy All Summer 

Our game looked like that for about 5 minutes. They had a blast. DurpSponge won. Beating your older brother is awesome!  This is how our game ended:

As you can see, our bulls-eye on the driveway has long since been washed away by buckets and buckets and buckets of water!

Cost of 2 packages of dollar store sponges: $2
Getting to throw a wet sponge at your brothers face and not get in trouble: PRICELESS.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


? Imagine you opened your own restaurant. Tell the name of your restaurant. Explain what the restaurant looks like, who works there, and what you serve.

The name would be Pizza BBQ. I would sell or serve Pizza and BBQ stuff.
It will look like a wood house on the outside but an awesome restaurant inside.
Who works there, I would try to invite all my friends to work and some of my cousins 2.
that concludes my AWESOME restaurant. thank u very much, GOOD BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P izza boy -_-! :)  -_-!